Sunday, April 7, 2013

S. Robson

S. Robson  Walton $26.1 B 69   Wal-Mart   United States

Wal-Mart heir S. Robson Walton, eldest son of visionary retailer Sam, has been the company's board chairman since 1992. Wal-Mart, founded by Sam and his brother James in 1962 in Rodgers, Ark., now has sales of $444 billion and employs 2.2 million people worldwide. Rob received more about $440 million in dividends in 2012. Before joining Wal-Mart, he was a partner with the law firm of Conner & Winters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Rob and his siblings have donated about $2 billion to the Walton Family Foundation over the last five years.

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